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  The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immortal remains to win the Prize. Instead, the Immortals swear to preserve human knowledge and help humanity. They cast away their swords and call themselves Jettators (from the French jette, "thrown away".)  But one Immortal, Kortan, refuses to swear the oath - he still seeks the Prize and now wishes to dominate the world. Connor challenges Kortan to a duel and is defeated and killed, as any Immortal who breaks the oath is destined to die. However, with Connor's death comes the prophecy of the rise of a new Immortal, unbound by the oath, who will defeat Kortan. Uncontested by the Jettators and nigh-unkillable by mortals, Kortan establishes an empire controlling most of the planet, which he rules from his fortress Mogonda.  700 years later, a Highland youth named Quentin is killed trying to defend his clan, the Dundee, from Kortan's slavers. He is the prophesied Immortal and returns to life. His dying mother reveals his true identity to be Quentin MacLeod from clan MacLeod, "The Last of the MacLeods". Quentin meets the Jetattor Don Vincente Marino Ramirez, who becomes his mentor. Ramirez teaches Quentin about Immortals and his mission to confront Kortan, and trains him in combat.  Accompanied by Ramirez, his adoptive sister Clyde, and their pet Gaul, Quentin seeks out the Jettators to gain their Quickening and their knowledge - not by beheading, but by a sharing as MacLeod and the Jettator grasp the same sword simultaneously (although the effects are sometimes just as destructive to the surrounding area). In the wake of a sharing the Jettator becomes mortal and often his or her sword shatters to signify this. With the wisdom of Ramírez and the Quickenings of the Jettators, Quentin may be able to destroy Kortan.  Despite being redesigned to attract a younger audience, the show was surprisingly mature/violent; it wasn't uncommon for minor characters to die, and while Quentin took other Immortals' power and knowledge without also taking their lives, Kortan still did it the old way, by beheading them. In addition, though essentially a good-versus-evil scenario, most of the characters on both sides were more than just black and white heroes and villains. Many of Kortan's henchmen are shown to have good characteristics and feelings - and even on occasion Quentin will be tempted by greed and be selfish, especially when offered the chances of immense power. Of course, ultimately, his good side always wins through. Some episodes involve Jettators making use of a loophole in their oath to challenge Kortan regardless, such as Matsuda, who built a cyborg to fight Kortan in his stead, or Cornell, who changed his name to Orion to be able to fight Kortan.  展开全部


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    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 藤原启治 真柴摩利 佐久间玲 浦和惠 水谷优子 玄田哲章 户谷公次 萩森侚子 大塚芳忠 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 纳谷六朗 高田由美 富泽美智惠 京田尚子 稀代樱子 茶风林 山口胜平 加藤精三 富山敬 

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    祖晴 刘红韵 石燕钧 李旭乔 刘筱天 

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    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 藤原启治 渊崎由里子 保志总一朗 田中秀幸 大塚芳忠 古川登志夫 辻亲八 深雪早苗 八奈见乘儿 玄田哲章 大泷进矢 盐泽兼人 纳谷六朗 高田由美 真柴摩利 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 大冢智子 茶风林 坂东尚树 小山由香里 白石文子 志乃宫风子 三木真一郎 柳泽荣治 雪野五月 雏形明子 

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    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 森川智之 兴梠里美 泽城美雪 真柴摩利 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 小西克幸 久野美咲 七绪春日 铃木玲子 伊藤静 大泷进矢 松尾佳子 村松康雄 引田有美 田村由香里 雪野五月 松山鹰志 大西健晴 福田信昭 津田匠子 行成桃姬 平井启二 半田裕典 荒井聪太 志田未来 萤原彻 宫迫博之 

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    蜡笔小新外传3 带家之狼[电影解说]

    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 森川智之 兴梠里美 真柴摩利 悠木碧 柿原彻也 泽海阳子 小林由美子 长岛雄一 齐藤次郎 真山亚子 宇垣秀成 羽鸟靖子 鸟海胜美 鱼建 岛田敏 土师孝也 屋良有作 

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    蜡笔小新外传2 玩具大战[电影解说]

    矢岛晶子 森川智之 楢桥美纪 兴梠里美 真柴摩利 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 玄田哲章 井上喜久子 茶风林 大泷进矢 野川樱 永岛由子 町田政则 浦山迅 玉川纱己子 萩森侚子 大冢智子 阪口大助 大本真基子 青森伸 猪口有佳 森久保祥太郎 吉野裕行 

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    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 藤原启治 兴梠里美 小川真司 引田有美 田村由香里 折笠爱 岩永哲哉 中村大树 家弓家正 纳谷六朗 高田由美 富泽美智惠 三石琴乃 真柴摩利 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 玄田哲章 盐泽兼人 茶风林 长嶝高士 玉川纱己子 萩森侚子 大冢智子 伊仓一惠 星野千寿子 户田秋子 京田尚子 稀代樱子 纱由里 大塚瑞惠 阪口大助 草地章江 千叶一伸 大西健晴 臼井仪人   丹波哲郎 

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    矢岛晶子 楢桥美纪 藤原启治 兴梠里美 真柴摩利 林玉绪 一龙斋贞友 佐藤智惠 纳谷六朗 高田由美 铃木玲子 玄田哲章 大泷进矢 小樱悦子 坂井真纪 乡里大辅 福圆美里 大川透 大西健晴 中村千绘 濑那步美 岩波裕 小林真彦 佐佐木隆行 东明弘 前野强 佐佐木正洋 波田阳区 村井国夫 

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